Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Critical Analysis

One of my subjects in ETS class is Critical Literacy. In this subject, we learn how to read, look , and analyze an article that we read critically. Everyday I read newspaper, article or a book, but I did not think and realized that I need to be such criticize. Normally, I followed what had been written by the author and then I applied that idea if I thought that idea was good. I never though about who is the writer, what is her/his purpose, or to whom this article was written. After learn about the critical analysis, I realized that it is good to analyze more an article or the writer before I decided to acknowledge it. The first time I am practicing it, I found that this is not easy. I need to read more than four times, try to understand the whole message. Even that I have read it for several times, sometimes I still have different interpretation of an article if I compared it with my friend. It can be caused of our background knowledge, the way of thinking, and translation into our own mother language. By practicing critical analysis, I understand more an article than what is written. At the same manner I try to put myself into the writer view, what will I do if I were him/her. I think it can help me to analyze and understand it in more objective view. I think it is good for me to practice more criticize in my daily life. So I can perform better result and make a good decision. I think that if everyone try to be more criticize, then the value of the society will increase.

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